Tao Development Foundation
626 374-9698
email: TaoDF9@gmail.com
3 月16日起每月第三週末下午3:00-5:00
易64 卦篇
17340 Temple ave
La Puente CA
email: TaoDf9@gmail.com
易 經 講 座
2024 六十四 卦 篇 - 易之精華
一提到「易經」大家就想起「算命」、「看風水」、「卜卦」,”其實易經的精華在六十四卦,懂了64卦,你就懂了人生,64卦的知識包括一切古今中外人情世故、天文地理、自然科學,學會64卦我們可以1. 借古鑒今,易經裡提到的歷史故事可以讓我們避免重蹈覆辙,歷史總是不斷的在重演,古人犯過的錯誤藉著爻辭的警戒,我們不再重犯,2. 見微知著,卦爻的變化讓我們從事情的小細節,知道事情的大真相,就好像是坐在一面世界之窗前,透過它我們可以運籌帷幄、決勝於千里之外,掌控世界;3. 見機知逆,中庸裡說至誠之道,可以前知,國家將興,必有禎祥;國家將亡,必有妖孽;見乎蓍龜,動乎四體。禍福將至,善必先知之,不善,必先知之。故至誠如神。易經教我們至誠之道,有了至誠之道,我們自然可以像神仙一樣預知未來。”易經教育基金會創辦人楊泰鵬教授強調今年的講座是易經學習中的精華部分,絕對要來聽講,今年講座只有六堂課:從三月開始每逢第三個週末:3/16,04/20,05/18,06/15,07/20、08/17,時間都是3點到5點,課後茶點招待。課程內容涵蓋64卦的乾、坤、屯、蒙、需、訟、師、比、小蓄、履、泰、否等12卦,這些卦象都是屬於人類文明初期,青陽期所發生的一些因果,也是一個人在年輕的階段要面對的問題及答案。「觀天之道,執天之行」天地陰陽就是我們行為的準繩,秘訣就在於如何解碼。懂了64卦以後,八字算命、風水吉凶、預知未來命運的智慧自然就會像挖到噴泉一樣,「洶湧以至」。
上課地點在:17340 Temple ave, La Puente CA 聖德佛堂
第一堂課時間:03/16 星期六下午3:00-5:00
Taoism, also known as Daoism, is an indigenous Chinese religion often associated with the Daode jing (Tao Te Ching), a philosophical and political text purportedly written by Laozi (Lao Tzu) sometime in the 3rd or 4th centuries B.C.E. The Daode jing focuses on dao as a "way" or "path" — that is, the appropriate way to behave and to lead others — but the Daode jing also refers to Tao as something that existed "before Heaven and Earth," a primal and chaotic matrix from which all forms emerged. Taoism did not exist as an organized religion until the Way of the Celestial Masters sect was founded in 142 C.E. by Zhang Daoling, who based the sect on spiritual communications from the deified Laozi. The Way of the Celestial Masters and other later sects of Taoism engaged in complex ritual practices, including devotion to a wide range of celestial divinities and immortals, and thousands of Taoist religious texts were produced over the centuries. Taoists also engaged with Chinese politics in a variety of ways throughout Chinese history. At one time, scholars in both China and the West distinguished philosophical from religious Taoism, but more recently a continuity of belief and practice between these has been recognized. In both, a harmonious relationship between nature, humanity, and the divine is emphasized, and both are concerned with appropriate behavior and ways of leading and governing others. The term "Tao" has a number of meanings. Taoist religious sects were persecuted in China during the 19th and 20th centuries, but are currently undergoing a revival. Western interest in Taoism has, for the most part, been confined to the Daode jing, but in both the West and in the East, there is considerable interest in practices which, while not "Taoist" per se, are often associated with Taoism, ranging from fengshui to taiji quan to acupuncture and herbal medicine.